Here are 5 simple ways to lessen your stress during times of great intensity…

1 – Lean into your flower essences. Right now, one I’ve been going to is Rescue Remedy. It’s the classic 5-flower blend to help you in times of stress. It is a blend of…

🌼 Clematis – Helps refocus you when you’re off in another world/ungrounded
🌼 Cherry Plum – Helps you surrender and trust that all will be OK when you’re in fear or feeling like you’re on the edge of a breakdown
🌼 Impatiens – Helps rebalance your patience and acceptance of yourself and others when you’re feeling irritated, tense, or of course, impatient
🌼 Rock Rose – Helps you find inner peace when you’re facing challenges, terror, panic, or any deeply intense emotion
🌼 Star of Bethlehem – Helps you soothe your soul after or during shock and trauma either from a past experience or recent one. Connects you to the spiritual realms.

2 – Find herbal allies that support nervous system rebalancing. I am *loving* this oat straw herbal infusion. Simply take some dried oat straw (see my herbalism IG bubble highlights), about 1-2 oz in a large mason jar and fill with hot water. Stir and let sit for a few hours to overnight and drink a few cups a day as needed. Oat straw is high in minerals like magnesium, potassium, vitamins C, K, and manganese. It helps you flow with life and bend without breaking.

3 – Journal it out *without* any judgement. Speak your truth, if not to the world, at least to yourself and journaling is a great way to release your emotional stress and tension in a healthy way. Feel free to burn or rip up your pages when you are done as a way to release.

4 – Get direct sunlight in your eyes – it helps regulate your sleep/wake cycles, increases your serotonin, boosts vitamin D, and overall is a mood lifter. Just being outside as much as possible right now is a benefit for all!

5 – Get your booty on the ground – earthing also increases your mood and helps you reduce inflammation in your body. Mother Earth loves to support us if we’re only willing to let her help us!

Happy to connect with you, thanks for being here!

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